The library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day.
The Wadleigh Memorial Library maintains a local history collection that is located in our New Hampshire Room. Comprised of a variety of materials, the collection primarily focuses on documenting the history of the Town of Milford, New Hampshire including, but not limited to, the following subjects:
For more information about our New Hampshire Room Collection, please view the New Hampshire Room Collection Development Policy.
For security and preservation purposes, the New Hampshire Room is a closed non-circulating collection. However, all materials are available to the public for in-library use by placing a research request. To place a research request, please fill out this form. Once we have received your request, one of our Reference Librarians will be in-touch to assist you with your research.
To browse popular materials in the New Hampshire Room Collection, search the following links in our catalog:
Browse our digital collections:
The History of Milford (Volume 1) by George Ramsdell
The History of MIlford (Volume 2) by George Ramsdell
Local Newspapers (Includes Farmer's Cabinet, Milford Enterprise, Milford Daily Pointer, Milford Cabinet)
Milford in the Great War 1917-1918
For any questions related to the New Hampshire Room Collection, please contact our Reference Department at or 603-249-0645.