Beanstack is a free app allows you to track your reading and participate in your library's reading challenges. You can even track your reading after the library's summer reading challenge ends!
Beanstack is also available on the web, and the library has a paper-based reading log if you aren't comfortable using computers or personal devices.
On your device's app store, search for "Beanstack Tracker" and install. You will be prompted to select your library, then create an account.
On the web, go to, then click on "Register an Individual or a Family."
You will enter your information first, then you can set up as many profiles as you like, for readers of any age. And if you’re a parent who reads aloud to more than one kid at a time, you can credit that reading time to multiple children’s accounts with a single click—no need to log it in separately for each of your avid listeners.
On the web, click on "Log Reading and Activities" in the top left-hand corner.
On the app, tap on the plus sign to see all your options.
If you have added a book already, you can tap "Log" at the bottom and select the book to log your time.
The library has paper-based logs so you can participate in logging your reading, activities, and reviews even if you prefer to go non-digital.
Every time you hit a reading milestone, you’ll win a badge. Sometimes badges come with a physical prize. Most badges allow you to earn tickets for raffles, and you can choose which raffle you want to enter tickets in.
The children's, teen, and adult summer reading challenges each have a grand prize drawing for a Kindle Fire which will be drawn from all participants. Just joining the summer reading challenge will enter you for this drawing!
Pre-readers will have one raffle drawing per week, while the children's and teen challenges will have two drawings per week.